Thursday, March 19, 2009

When you have a chance to fight Crosby, you take it...

Check this out guys, this is apparently what happened this last weekend that not many people know about...

"Bruins center Marc Savard taunted Crosby after a Boston goal, and the taunting continued until both players neared their benches. Crosby challenged Savard to fight, and Savard responded: "Take off that [sissy] shield, and I'll be glad to."
So Crosby handed his helmet to equipment manager Dana Heinze and told him to remove the visor. Crosby took the ice for his next shift sans shield but Savard backed down, thereby looking like the [sissy] he accused Crosby of being.
Score one for Sid in the mind games department and cue a verbal beatdown for Savard, who took a brutal aural blistering from the Penguins bench throughout the rest of the afternoon (and no doubt lost a little respect in the eyes of his teammates when his bluff got called)."

On a side note, congratulations to Taylor Ellington on signing with the Canucks. Good job buddy, now drop the mitts a bit more so we can talk about you on here!

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