Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Poor, poor Brashear

Poor, poor Brashear...
Ok so before we get into last nights Caps/Preds games, I just need to go over a few things about me:
I am a diehard Canucks fan, I have been since I was young. Therefor, my favourite tough guys are always playing on the 'Nucks. I've always had a love for tough guys and plugs before the star players, even tho I have love for anyone on the Canucks. I was pumped this last summer when they picked up Hordichuk, Davison and then O'Brien. It was unreal to start the first half of the season wuth the Canucks among the tops in the league in tilts, but they've started to tail off lately. Still in the top 5 though so thats not too shabby.

Of course I always have favourite tough guys regardless where they play, and mine is definatley Brashear. I even had his jersey when he was with the Canucks ;) So last night I gotta admit I was pretty pissed off to see Brash get dropped by Belak, someone he's always seemed to have his way with. Maybe this is karma for years back (can't remember the exact season) when Belak was on Toronto and Brash on Vancouver and after Brashear had just whooped Belak and then did the hand dust off routine after their tilt. I remember the entire Leafs team was pretty pissed off and there was lots of stuff about Brash in the media after.
The look on Brash's face when he laid on the ice with Belak standing over him was pretty saddening but we all know he's gonna come back and be fine. Everyone takes a beating sometime in their career. In my eyes he's still the heavyweight champ this year, along with Laraque and then Boogaard.

Haha it didn't help where right off the next faceoff Tootoo and Bradley had a little dance, and Bradley got busted wiiiiiiide open. I haven't seen that much blood since the night OJ went to Nicole's house....oh wait...too soon? Anyways, thats my little rant for today.


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