Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My top 10 list


Ok, so after sucking it up bigtime for a month, the Canucks are the hottest team in the NHL, but they're not fighting as much, so thats weak.

On a side note, Brian McGrattan is back up in the NHL tonight and should play for Phoenix, so thats good for fight fans. I also am almost done his interview so I can send that off to him and hopefully get it back pretty quickly.

I sent interviews to Josh Gratton (NHL/AHL), Trevor Gillies (AHL) and Kip Brennan (AHL), so we'll see if they get those back to me soon, then we can get this up and rolling.

I still have to find someone who wants to build my website for me, so I have to get on that as well.

So now I'm going to make my top 10 list for tough guys. I'll probably have to make a couple lists because it gets pretty confusing trying to rank guys depending on size and all that, so here goes...

Drum Roll please....

My top 10 HEAVYWEIGHTS. (this is strictly based on the top ten guys in terms of pure toughness/size. I dont care if a 5 foot 10 guy is super tough, if he would go against a top heavyweight and get his ass kicked, he doesnt rank in this top 10)

1. Georges Laraque (Montreal Canadiens) - I reluctantly put him at the top because he doesnt fight nearly enough and he's not mean at all. The only thing is that no one has really beaten him lately. Even when Brashear dropped him last year, it was after Laraque had put Brashear on his ass about three times. I'd prefer the number one guy to fight more, but until someone comes along and beats Laraque cleanly, and he starts to lose more often, he'll be right near the top.

2. Donald Brashear (Washington Capitals) - My non-Canucks favourite. He would have been number one in my books unti he was dropped by Belak recently. He's still more of a 1a instead of a 2. What makes him awesome is he dummies people AND he's mean. He knows how to do his job and is exactly what you look for in an "enforcer". He's also one of the few that actually can play a regular shift without being a liability.

3. Derek Boogaard (Minnesota Wild) - I remember the first time he got called up with Minny years back, and he was playing against the Canucks, and for the first time I was genuinely worried for our tough guy, Wade Brookbank....Sure enough, Boogaard and Brookbank have a go and Brookbank gets worked. And then so did a shitload of other guys in the league. I'm not a big fan of Boogaard but thats mostly because he plays for division rivals of the Canucks. He hasn't been very effective this year, and he has been beaten by Laraque and Brashear, so until he dummies one of them he'll be number three.

4. Colton Orr (New York Rangers) - I remember him from when he used to play alongside my buddy back on the Kamploops Blazers, and had always heard of him, from when he was drafted by Boston, to playing in the AHL, to finally making the NHL with Boston, and eventually with the Rangers where he is one of the top young enforcers today. He has taken on all the big boys and is known as one of the hardest punchers in the league, as evidenced by his wicked KO of Todd Fedoruk a few years back. He still gets consistently beat by Laraque and Brashear (until recently) and he was finally solved (and dropped) by Eric Godard recently. Still, its only up for this guy in the future.

5. Eric Godard (Pittsburgh Penguins) - I was debating between him and Orr on who was fourth and fifth, and it pretty much came down to the fact that Orr has usually had his way with Godard, until recently. If these two were to go head to head 10 times, i could honestly see it going 5/5 each. Godard is known as one of the hardest punchers in the league, and he is a giant KILLER. His TKO on Boogaard was amazing and proved that the Boogeyman can be beat. This season, when Steve Macintyre from edmonton was supposed to be the next big giant, Godard promptly broke his orbital bone in only Macintyre's fourth fight. Macintyre has fallen off the map since...

6. Wade Belak (Nashville Predators) - I've never liked Belak, probably because he was on Toronto (who I despise) for so long, but I have to give him credit, he's one of the toughest and best fighters in the league. He clearly learned alot from Domi, as he uses the "spin cycle" technique quite often. He's also covered in Tattoo's and he's pretty funny, so thats making me like him more haha. This year he dropped Brashear straight on his ass, as well as Janssen, so that gives him instant props.

7. Darcy Hordichuk (Vancouver Canucks) - I would love to rank him higher, but he's just too small to beat Laraque, Brashear or Boogaard. Still, nobody throws them as fast and wildly as Hordy, so he's always fun to watch, and he NEVER shys away from anyone, no matter how big they are. If only he was bigger he'd easily be the funnest in the NHL to watch. Another thing I wish is that he was meaner. He's too nice, but the look in his eyes when fighting is fun to watch.

8. Jody Shelly (San Jose Sharks) - How can you not love the guy with two girl names haha. Ever since he came in with Columbus years back he's been a favourite. He's down to drop the mitts wherever, whenever, and against whoever. He's a classic tough guy who knows exactly what his role is. He doesn't really pummel many people but he always puts in a good effort. He could be ranked higher if he were to start beating top heavyweights consistently.

9. George Parros (Anaheim Ducks) - The 'stache. Another example of a big guy whose down to go with whoever, but he isn't just a "goon", he's actually a decent player...and not to mention a Princeton grad. He is easily one of the most recognizable tough guys in the NHL with his pornstar moustache. He's had 8 epic battles with Shelly in the last four years but I gave Shelly the higher ranking just because he's been around longer.

10. Riley Cote (Philadelphia Flyers) - While not the biggest, no one throws them and takes them quite like Cote. This guy is the epitome of rock em sock em robots. He pretty much hangs on and throws with ill intent, and he takes his fair share as well. While he's not a threat to knock any of the top three out of their spots on this list, he can definatly handle himself and is more than willing to drop the mitts against all the big boys. Another plus is that he's also one of the nicest guys in person as well.

Honorable Mentions:

Brian McGrattan (Phoenix Coyotes) - He would definatly be top 5 if not for some off ice troubles this year, but I can proudly say he got back in the lineup just tonight and had a wicked tilt with Jody Shelly. Look for him to skyrocket back up the rankings quickly and into next season folks.

David Koci (Tampa Bay Lightning) - Easily has the size and toughness to be in the top ten, but he hasn't been giving the ice time this year and has been bounced around between teams the last season. If he gets a coach who plays him consistently he has what it takes.

Andrew Peters (Buffalo Sabres) - Can be top 10 if only he didnt have such a short leash from his coach. It would be nicer to see him dressed more cause he's pretty tough and big. Has fought all the leagues top guys as well.

Pound for Pound
(While not the biggest guys, these guys are pound for pound some of the best scrappers in the league. If they were 6 "5 and 250, they'd wreck people on a daily basis)

Jordin Tootoo (Nashville Predators) - As much as I hate him and his cheap play, when he drops the gloves, he can fight and punch as hard as anyone in the league...ask Matt Bradley

Aaron Asham (Philadelphia Flyers) - Cote's sidekick, Asham has consistently put in some of the best middleweight performances in the last five years. Easily one of the leagues best middleweights, and he can play too.

Cam Janssen (St Louis Blues) - He doesn't shy away from any of the super heavyweights, and he rarely loses. I haven't seen anyone like him in recent memory where its almost as if he enjoys his scraps too much, as he constantly tells the ref's to back off so he can keep the scrap going.

Josh Gratton (Philadelphia Flyers) - Although he's in the minors right now, Gratton has spent enough time in the NHL to be known as one of the funnest guys to watch. He's definatly not the biggest guy but he is one of the most entertaining toe to toe scrappers in the league and he isn't afraid of anyone. Just check out his fight with Laraque.

Jared Boll (Columbus Blue Jackets) - Boll is easily the most active fighter the last couple seasons. Any time he's on the ice there's a chances we'll see a tilt. While not really a heavyweight, he's been known to fight the likes of Parros, Hordichuk and Shelly. We're not finished the season yet and he already has 47 fights the last two years and is currently first in the league with 22.

K well there you have it, im sure i missed some guys, and the rankings can change every night, but you get the jist of the whose who of tough guys in the NHL


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