Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ok, post numero deux...

So, today I bought a domain name for my new site, now I just gotta learn how to make a website, and I can get that started.

The new site will be...

Im pretty stoked that I was able to get a pretty decent name, so hopefully I can get it going soon and start to get some interviews done.

I talked to Josh Gratton from the Flyers yesterday and he's pretty sweet. I partied with him and Riley Cote at the Roxy in Vancouver back in December and they were super nice, and Josh is down for an interview, so that will be fun. I think Brian McGrattan is down too.

On a side note, Im heading to Vancouver on Friday to talk with the assistant marketing director for the Canucks just to get some info on what I need to do in order to work for the Canucks later on down the road when schooly is done, and maybe about doing an internship with them. As of right now its just to talk to them and see what lies ahead, and it should be a good way to get my foot in the door.

So, now back to my site. My goal is to be known as the guy who does all the cool interviews with tough guys, and hopefully I can develop a repuation as having some good ones and then hopefully gain some popularity, and make the site a favourite among hockey fans. Ideally, i'll be known among some of the tough guys as a guy that they want to talk to.

Anyways, for now I gotta go do some homework, so stay tuned for more...


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