Sunday, March 15, 2009


Ok for todays post, we're gonna take a look at all the live fights i've seen happen over the years. Suprisingly, it hasn't been all that many :(
When I go to a Canucks game, the first thing I do is check to see what guys on the other team are playing, to see who can match up with who in case gloves drop. Once I'm at the game i usually proceed to announce to anyone in my section who is listening, exactly who is gonna fight that night, and then nothing usually happens hahah. Ironically enough, I had a ticket to the infamous Bertuzzi/Moore incident game, but I couldn't afford the trip, so I gave my ticket to a buddy....we all know how that game turned out.

Its kinda cool, I can clearly remember every single fight i've seen live, dating back to when I was 19. Apparently i'm obsessed with fights or something....

So, my first fight I ever saw live

Matt Cooke (Canucks) VS. Jamie Langenbrunner (Dallas) - Feb 28/2002
-I remember being pretty suprised at this one cause it was Cooke who instigated it, and he's usually such a little pussy

Todd Bertuzzi (Canucks) VS. Phillipe Boucher (Dallas) - Oct 26/2002
-This one caught me by suprise because it happened so fast, but Bert one-punched boucher, and dropped him. Even in our shitty seats we could see the blood all over the ice!!! Bert broke Boucher's orbital bone which was siiiick

Darren Langdon (Canucks) VS. Sandy McCarthy (New York) - Nov 16/2002
-Ooooooooooooh my first(and only) heavyweight matchup!!! This was unreal, the hated rangers were losing to us and the place was rocking, we had just gone up a goal and off the center ice faceoff the two heavy's dropped the mitts and had a looooong square off! The fight wasn't all that good but it pumped up the place BIG TIME

Steve Bernier (Canucks) VS. Dion Phaneuf (Calgary) Oct 9/2008
-You would think that I'd have seen more flames tilts since i've seen them quite a few times and they are our most hated rivals, but this was the first one. Started with a pretty big hit on a Sedin and then Bernier came right in to defend him. The fight wasn't that good but the place was going insane cause it was opening night and we were up 6-0. Bernier was a crowd pleaser that night for sure.

Kevin Bieksa (Canucks) VS. Mike Richards (Philadelphia) Dec 30/2008
-This happened only 15 seconds in after a huge hit by bieksa on gagne. I had just finished making my predictions to the guys in my section, so I was suppper pumped we had a tilt right away. This was actually a pretty decent fight as bieksa kicked some ass yeeeee

Unfortunatly those are all the ones i've seen live, besides some ECHL and BCHL tilts.
Honorable mention goes to Josh Bonar who tried his best to drop the mitts for the Vancouver Giants when we watched him play the Medicine Hat Tigers, but lets be honest, who trys to fight with only one glove off??? (inside joke)

Anyways, thats my fight history, im out


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